River Crossings vs. Calving Season: Best Safari Experiences in Africa

5-day Great Serengeti Migration Safari

In the world of African safaris, two wildlife events stand out as must-see spectacles: the dramatic river crossings during the Great Migration and the peaceful yet captivating calving season. These two unique periods showcase the incredible cycle of life on the African savannah and offer different experiences for travelers. But which is the best time for your safari? In this article, we will break down the key differences between river crossings and calving season, the best locations to witness these natural wonders, and how to plan your trip around them.

Learn more about planning your ultimate safari here.

5-day Great Serengeti Migration Safari

1. Understanding the Great Migration: A Natural Wonder

The Great Migration is one of the largest and most spectacular wildlife migrations on the planet. Every year, millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other herbivores travel across the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem in search of fresh grazing grounds. The journey, which spans over 1,200 miles, is filled with moments of life and death, particularly during the dangerous river crossings and the nurturing calving season.

These two key periods—river crossings and calving—offer completely different safari experiences. Depending on your interests, you can plan your safari around either event to witness Africa’s wildlife at its most dramatic or most tender.

Discover more about the annual migration and key events.

2. River Crossings: Nature’s Dramatic Showdown

What Are River Crossings?

River crossings are perhaps the most iconic aspect of the Great Migration. Every year, from July to September, millions of wildebeest and zebras face one of the most perilous parts of their journey: crossing the crocodile-infested Grumeti and Mara Rivers. The spectacle is intense, as herds gather at the water’s edge, waiting for a brave few to lead the way into the dangerous waters.

  • Timing: River crossings typically occur between July and September.
  • Key Locations: Mara River (Northern Serengeti and Masai Mara) and Grumeti River (Western Serengeti).

During these crossings, animals must navigate fast currents and evade predators such as Nile crocodiles that lie in wait. The tension builds as the herds gather in massive numbers, waiting to cross. It’s a time of high drama and heart-pounding excitement, making it one of the most sought-after experiences for wildlife enthusiasts.

Find more information on the best places to witness river crossings here.

The Best Places to Watch River Crossings

The Mara River, located in both Serengeti National Park and the Masai Mara, is the most famous river crossing site. This is where thousands of animals plunge into the water, often causing a chaotic and thrilling scene. The Grumeti River, although less famous, also offers spectacular views of animals attempting to cross.

Read more about the best viewing spots for river crossings.

3. Calving Season: The Cycle of New Life

What Is Calving Season?

The calving season is a quieter, more intimate time of the migration, but no less fascinating. Between January and March, in the southern plains of the Serengeti, wildebeest and other migratory animals give birth to around 500,000 calves in just a few short weeks. This event is not only a time of new life but also an opportunity for predators such as lions, cheetahs, and hyenas to hunt with ease, as the vulnerable young make easy targets.

  • Timing: Calving season occurs from January to March.
  • Key Locations: Southern Serengeti and Ndutu Plains.

While river crossings are thrilling, the calving season offers a completely different atmosphere. The southern plains of the Serengeti transform into a nursery, as the vast herds slow down to allow their young to find their feet. Predators often lurk nearby, providing an incredible display of nature’s balance between life and death.

Learn more about the best time to see the calving season here.

Where to Experience Calving Season

The best place to witness the calving season is the Ndutu region in the southern part of the Serengeti. This area, with its nutrient-rich grasses, attracts large herds of wildebeest, zebras, and other herbivores, providing perfect conditions for new births. It’s also an excellent spot for seeing large numbers of big cats in action as they take advantage of the easy prey.

Explore more about where to see the calving season in Serengeti.

4. River Crossings vs. Calving Season: Which Should You Choose?

River Crossings: High Drama and Action

If you’re seeking adrenaline-pumping action and dramatic wildlife encounters, river crossings are the way to go. Watching large herds bravely cross treacherous rivers while being chased by predators is nothing short of breathtaking. The atmosphere is electric, and for many, it’s the pinnacle of an African safari.

Discover the full excitement of river crossings in Serengeti.

Calving Season: A Peaceful yet Tense Experience

Calving season, on the other hand, offers a more serene yet tense experience. Witnessing the birth of thousands of wildebeest calves is a touching event, but there’s always the looming presence of predators. This is an excellent time for photography and watching nature’s balance unfold without the chaos of river crossings.

For more about the calving season experience, visit this resource.

5. Planning Your Safari: River Crossings vs. Calving Season

Best Time for River Crossings

The best months to see river crossings are from July to September, though timing can vary each year depending on rainfall patterns. The crossings are unpredictable, so it’s important to stay informed through safari guides and park rangers.

Plan your safari around river crossings with these tips.

Best Time for Calving Season

For those interested in calving season, January to March is ideal, with February being the peak month. This is the time when most calves are born, and the southern Serengeti is filled with wildlife.

Get expert advice on planning your calving season safari here.

6. Wildlife Highlights: Predators and Prey

Predators During River Crossings

During river crossings, expect to see a range of predators lurking near the water. Crocodiles, the undisputed kings of the river, lie in wait for unsuspecting wildebeest and zebras. Along the banks, lions and leopards are often seen hunting animals that become separated from the herd.

Discover more about predators during the Great Migration here.

Predators During Calving Season

Calving season brings an increase in predator activity, with lions, cheetahs, and hyenas taking advantage of the vulnerable young animals. The southern plains of Serengeti turn into a hunting ground for these predators, providing some of the best chances to see nature’s survival game up close.

Read more about predator-prey interactions during calving season.

7. Preparing for Your Safari

Whether you choose to witness the drama of river crossings or the intimacy of calving season, it’s important to be well-prepared. Bring the right gear, including binoculars, cameras, and comfortable clothing for variable weather conditions. Ensure that you book with experienced guides who understand the complexities of both events.

Get a full checklist for your safari preparations here.


River crossings and calving season offer two very different yet equally captivating safari experiences. Whether you’re drawn to the high-adrenaline action of the river crossings or the more serene but intense scenes of calving, Serengeti National Park provides a front-row seat to the greatest wildlife show on earth. The key is to plan your trip around your interests and the time of year that suits your safari goals.

For more information and to book your safari, visit Kilimanjaro Climb Specialist and Eddy Tours & Safaris.