Top Kilimanjaro Campsites: Your Guide to the Best Camps on the Mountain

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak, is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. Along the way, you’ll stay at various campsites, each offering a unique experience on the mountain. Whether you’re climbing via the Machame, Marangu, or Lemosho routes, knowing what to expect at the campsites can help you better prepare for your journey. In this guide, we’ll explore the top Kilimanjaro campsites, what facilities they offer, and tips for staying comfortable during your climb.

Plan your Kilimanjaro climb today with expert advice.

11. Machame Route Kilimanjaro Climb Package: The Ultimate 7-Day Trek

1. Machame Route Campsites

The Machame Route is one of the most popular routes to the summit. It’s known for its scenic beauty, and the campsites along this route provide fantastic views.

Machame Camp

  • Location: 3,000 meters (9,800 feet)
  • Description: The first night on the Machame Route is spent at Machame Camp. It’s located in the rainforest zone and offers a calm, scenic environment to start your Kilimanjaro adventure.

Shira Camp

  • Location: 3,840 meters (12,600 feet)
  • Description: After leaving the rainforest, you’ll reach Shira Camp, located on the Shira Plateau. The campsite is known for its stunning sunsets and panoramic views of Mount Meru.

Learn more about the Machame Route and camps.

2. Marangu Route Huts

The Marangu Route is unique in that climbers stay in huts rather than tents. This can be an appealing option for those seeking more comfort.

Mandara Hut

  • Location: 2,700 meters (8,858 feet)
  • Description: Your first stop on the Marangu Route is Mandara Hut. The hut accommodates 60 climbers and is nestled within the lush rainforest. There are shared dormitories with bunk beds, as well as bathroom facilities.

Kibo Hut

  • Location: 4,720 meters (15,486 feet)
  • Description: Located closer to the summit, Kibo Hut is a crucial stop before making the final ascent. It’s basic but offers shelter from the cold winds of the summit zone.

Explore the Marangu Route in detail.

3. Lemosho Route Campsites

The Lemosho Route is known for its gradual acclimatization and beautiful landscapes. The campsites along this route are less crowded, offering a quieter experience.

Big Tree Camp

  • Location: 2,800 meters (9,186 feet)
  • Description: The first camp on the Lemosho Route is located in the rainforest, surrounded by tall trees and lush vegetation. It’s a peaceful place to rest after your first day of trekking.

Barranco Camp

  • Location: 3,960 meters (12,992 feet)
  • Description: One of the most famous campsites on Kilimanjaro, Barranco Camp sits at the base of the Barranco Wall. The views of the wall and the summit are breathtaking, making this camp a favorite among climbers.

Learn more about the Lemosho Route and campsites.

4. Rongai Route Campsites

The Rongai Route approaches Kilimanjaro from the north and is ideal for those looking for a quieter climb.

Simba Camp

  • Location: 2,600 meters (8,530 feet)
  • Description: The first stop on the Rongai Route, Simba Camp is located in the heath zone, offering beautiful views of the Kenyan plains.

Third Cave Camp

  • Location: 3,870 meters (12,700 feet)
  • Description: Located at a higher altitude, Third Cave Camp is a great place for acclimatization before the final push toward the summit.

Discover more about the Rongai Route.

5. Umbwe Route Campsites

The Umbwe Route is the most challenging route on Kilimanjaro, known for its steep paths and quick ascent. It’s best suited for experienced climbers.

Umbwe Camp

  • Location: 2,850 meters (9,350 feet)
  • Description: The first camp on this route is located in the rainforest. The trek to this camp is short but steep, offering a tough introduction to the climb.

Barafu Camp

  • Location: 4,673 meters (15,330 feet)
  • Description: Barafu Camp is used by climbers on various routes as the final stop before the summit. Located in the arctic zone, this camp is cold and windy, but the sense of anticipation is high as climbers prepare for their early morning summit attempt.

Explore the details of the Umbwe Route.

6. What to Expect at Kilimanjaro Campsites

While the campsites on Kilimanjaro are basic, they provide everything you need for a comfortable night’s rest. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Tents: Most climbers sleep in tents provided by their trekking company. These are typically two-person tents, although single tents may be available.
  • Food: Your trekking company will provide meals at the campsites, typically served in a communal dining tent. Expect hearty meals to keep your energy levels up.
  • Toilets: Some camps have basic pit toilets, while others may have portable chemical toilets set up by your trekking crew.
  • Water: Water for drinking and washing is typically collected from nearby streams and purified for safety.

Read more about what to expect at Kilimanjaro camps.

7. Tips for Staying Comfortable at Kilimanjaro Campsites

Staying comfortable at high-altitude campsites can be challenging, but with a few tips, you’ll be ready for anything:

  • Bring a Warm Sleeping Bag: Temperatures drop significantly at night, especially at higher camps. A four-season sleeping bag rated for sub-zero temperatures is essential.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is key to preventing altitude sickness. Bring a hydration pack or water bottles that are easy to access while trekking.
  • Use Trekking Poles: These help reduce strain on your knees and legs, especially when walking on uneven terrain at the campsites.

Get more tips for camping on Kilimanjaro.

Conclusion: Making the Most of Your Kilimanjaro Camping Experience

Camping on Mount Kilimanjaro is a unique and rewarding part of the journey to the summit. Whether you choose the Machame, Lemosho, or Rongai routes, the campsites along the way offer a chance to rest, acclimatize, and enjoy the stunning landscapes that make Kilimanjaro one of the most famous climbs in the world. With proper preparation and the right mindset, your nights at the campsites will become an unforgettable part of your Kilimanjaro adventure.

For personalized Kilimanjaro tour packages and expert guidance, visit Kilimanjaro Climb Specialist or Eddy Tours & Safaris.