What Animals Will I See on Safari in Tanzania? Big Five & More

4 days Tanzania safari in 2024

Tanzania is one of the best safari destinations in Africa, offering breathtaking landscapes and unparalleled wildlife diversity. Whether you’re exploring the Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, or the Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania is home to a variety of animals, including the famous “Big Five” and many lesser-known species. In this guide, we will take you through the top animals you can expect to see on safari in Tanzania and where to spot them.

Learn more about Tanzania’s iconic safari experiences here.

1. The Big Five: Tanzania’s Most Iconic Animals

The term “Big Five” refers to the five most dangerous animals to hunt on foot, but today, they are the most sought-after species for wildlife viewing. Tanzania is one of the few countries where you can see all of the Big Five animals in their natural habitat.

1.1 Lions

Tanzania is home to thousands of lions, with Serengeti National Park being one of the best places in Africa to spot these majestic creatures. Lions are often seen resting in the shade during the day or hunting in the early morning and late afternoon.

  • Where to See: Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire National Park.

Learn more about lion behavior and sightings here.

1.2 Elephants

African elephants, the largest land animals in the world, are commonly seen in Tanzania’s national parks. They are known for their intelligence, family bonds, and impressive size. Watching elephants as they move in herds through the savannah is one of the most memorable safari experiences.

  • Where to See: Tarangire National Park, Selous Game Reserve, Ruaha National Park.

Explore more about elephants and their conservation.

1.3 Leopards

Leopards are elusive and shy, making them harder to spot compared to other Big Five animals. However, Tanzania’s national parks, particularly the Serengeti, provide excellent opportunities for leopard sightings, especially around rocky outcrops known as kopjes.

  • Where to See: Serengeti National Park, Ruaha National Park, Lake Manyara National Park.

Discover fascinating facts about leopards here.

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1.4 Buffaloes

Cape buffaloes are among the most dangerous animals on the African continent due to their unpredictable nature. They are commonly found in large herds and can often be seen grazing in Tanzania’s grasslands or resting in the shade during the hottest parts of the day.

  • Where to See: Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Selous Game Reserve.

Read more about the African buffalo.

1.5 Rhinos

Black rhinos are critically endangered, but Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Crater is one of the best places to see these rare animals. Conservation efforts are ongoing to protect the remaining rhino populations from poaching.

  • Where to See: Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti National Park.

Learn more about black rhino conservation here.

2. Giraffes: Tanzania’s National Animal

Giraffes, the world’s tallest land animals, are commonly seen throughout Tanzania. Known for their long necks and unique patterns, giraffes can be spotted browsing on acacia trees across the savannah. Tanzania is home to the Maasai giraffe, a subspecies unique to East Africa.

  • Where to See: Serengeti National Park, Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park.

Read more about giraffes and their unique adaptations.

3. Wildebeest: The Heart of the Great Migration

The Great Migration is one of the most incredible wildlife spectacles on Earth, and the wildebeest is at the heart of it. Over 1.5 million wildebeest, along with hundreds of thousands of zebras and gazelles, migrate across the Serengeti in search of fresh grazing lands.

  • Where to See: Serengeti National Park, particularly from July to October during the river crossings.

Find out more about the Great Migration here.

4. Cheetahs: Speedy Predators

Cheetahs are known for their incredible speed and agility. Tanzania’s vast open plains provide the perfect hunting grounds for these beautiful predators, and the Serengeti is one of the best places in Africa to see cheetahs in action.

  • Where to See: Serengeti National Park, Tarangire National Park.

Learn more about cheetahs and their hunting techniques.

5. Zebras: Striped Wonders

Zebras are commonly seen grazing alongside wildebeest in Tanzania’s national parks. Their striking black-and-white stripes make them one of the most recognizable animals on safari, and their close-knit family groups make for interesting behavior to observe.

  • Where to See: Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara National Park.

Discover more about zebras and their social structure.

6. Hippos: Kings of the Waterways

Hippos are another iconic animal you’ll find in Tanzania, especially in areas with permanent water sources. These large mammals spend most of their time submerged in rivers and lakes to keep cool during the day.

  • Where to See: Serengeti National Park (Seronera River), Selous Game Reserve, Lake Manyara.

Learn more about hippos and their habits here.

7. Crocodiles: Silent Predators of the Water

Crocodiles are often seen basking on riverbanks or lurking just beneath the surface of rivers and lakes. They are opportunistic predators, and you may witness them ambush their prey during the Great Migration river crossings in the Serengeti.

  • Where to See: Grumeti River (Serengeti National Park), Selous Game Reserve, Rufiji River.

Discover more about crocodiles and their behavior.

8. Flamingos: Elegant Birds of Tanzania’s Lakes

Tanzania is home to some of the most stunning lakes in Africa, and many of them host large flocks of flamingos. These graceful birds gather in the thousands, creating a pink spectacle that is truly mesmerizing.

  • Where to See: Lake Manyara National Park, Lake Natron, Ngorongoro Crater.

Learn more about flamingos and their migration patterns.

9. Hyenas: Africa’s Misunderstood Predators

Hyenas may not be as glamorous as lions, but they play a crucial role in Tanzania’s ecosystems. Often seen scavenging, hyenas are also skilled hunters in their own right. You can find them roaming the plains in search of food or resting in the shade.

  • Where to See: Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Selous Game Reserve.

Explore more about the behavior and importance of hyenas.

10. Lesser-Known Animals: Hidden Gems on Safari

Beyond the Big Five and other well-known animals, Tanzania is home to a rich variety of lesser-known species that can make your safari even more exciting. Keep an eye out for:

  • Wild Dogs: Endangered but making a comeback in areas like Selous Game Reserve.
  • Serval Cats: Elusive cats often found in the tall grass of the Serengeti.
  • Bat-Eared Foxes: Small but fascinating animals found in the Serengeti and Tarangire.

Learn more about these lesser-known safari animals.


A safari in Tanzania is a wildlife enthusiast’s dream come true. From the Big Five to lesser-known species, the variety of animals you can see in Tanzania is unparalleled. Whether you’re watching the Great Migration unfold in the Serengeti, spotting lions in the Ngorongoro Crater, or witnessing a family of elephants cross the plains, Tanzania offers an unforgettable wildlife experience for all visitors.

For more information on planning your Tanzania safari, visit Kilimanjaro Climb Specialist or Eddy Tours & Safaris.