8 days kilimanjaro climbing lemosho route

8 days lemosho route kilimanjaro climbing

The best 8 days Lemosho route Kilimanjaro climbing

The 8 days Lemosho route on Kilimanjaro climbing is a scenic and less crowded route on Mount 

Kilimanjaro, 5895 meters high that starts from the west and approaches the summit from the south.

Starting in the lush rainforest, the route gradually ascends through diverse ecosystems, including 

heathland and alpine desert, providing awe-inspiring views of the surrounding landscapes.

With its longer duration, the Lemosho route allows for better acclimatization, increasing the chances 

of reaching the summit successfully.

This 8 days Lemosho route is known for its scenic beauty, wildlife encounters, and lower traffic 

compared to other popular routes, offering a more tranquil and immersive experience on the 

majestic Mount Kilimanjaro.

The best 8 days Lemosho route kilimanjaro climbing price

The best and most affordable price for the 8-day Kilimanjaro climbing via Lemosho route is from 

$1800 to $3500 per climber that enables you to successful summit 19,341 feet Kilimanjaro and 

descend back through the Mweka trail.

These 8 days Lemosho route prices and costs on Kilimanjaro climbing are paid in USD Dollars, 

Pounds, Euros, and in Tanzania Shillings.

The price vary depending on accommodations before and after the climb, number of people in a 

group, and climbing services offered.

8 days lemosho route kilimanjaro climbing

The best 8 days Kilimanjaro Lemosho route success rate

The best successful Kilimanjaro summit rate of the 8 days Lemosho route is from 93% to 95% 

reaching at 5,895-meter Africa’s peak and descending back.

This higher summit success rate of the 8-day Lemosho route is due to enough acclimatization time 

that enables climbers adapt to higher altitude increasing the summit success rates.

The 8 days Kilimanjaro Lemosho route is favorable to solo hikers, group joining hikers, and families 

with children.

Package Inclusion & Exclusions

The best full detailed itinenary for 8 days Lemosho route kilimanjaro climbing

The best full detailed itinenary for the best 8 days Kilimanjaro climbing via Lemosho route:

Day 1: Londorossi Gate (7,800 ft) to Forest Camp (9,500ft) | 3-4 hours | 6 km;

2: Forest Camp (9,500 ft) to Shira Camp 1 (11,500 ft) | 5-6 hours | 8 km;

3: Shira Camp 1 (11,500 ft) to Moir Camp (13,800 ft) | 5-7 hours | 14 km;

4: Moir Camp (13,800 ft) to Lava Tower to Barranco Camp (13,000 ft) | 4-6 hours | 7 km;

5: Barranco Camp (13,000 ft) to Karanga Camp (13,100 ft) | 4-5 hours | 5 km;

6: Karanga Camp (13,100 ft) to Barafu Camp (15,300 ft) | 4-5 hours | 4 km;

7: Barafu Camp (15,300 ft) to Summit (19,341 ft) to Mweka Camp (10,000 ft) | 7-8 hours ascent / 4-6 hours descent | 5 km ascent / 12 km descent;

Day 8: Mweka Camp (10,000 ft) to Mweka Gate (5,400 ft) | 3-4 hours | 10 km.

 Day 1: Londorossi Gate to Forest Camp

Elevations: 7,800 ft to 9,500ft Hiking time: 3-4 hours Hiking distance: 6 km

The adventure begins at the Londorossi Gate, where you will complete the necessary registration and permits.

From there, you’ll embark on a trek through the lush rainforest, surrounded by rich flora and the sounds of nature.

The first day’s destination is the Forest Camp, where you’ll set up camp for the night and rest before the ascent.

 Day 2: Forest Camp to Shira Camp 1

Elevations: 9,500 ft to 11,500 ft Hiking time: 5-6 hours Hiking distance: 8 km After breakfast, you’ll continue your journey, leaving the rainforest behind and entering the heathland.

The trail gradually climbs uphill, offering glimpses of the stunning Shira Plateau in the distance.

You’ll reach Shira Camp 1, situated on a ridge, where you’ll spend the night and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.

 Day 3: Shira Camp 1 to Moir Camp

Elevations: 11,500 ft to 13,800 ft Hiking time: 5-7 hours Hiking distance: 14 km Today’s trek takes you to Moir Camp, located in the alpine desert.

As you ascend, the vegetation becomes sparser, and the terrain becomes more rugged.

Along the way, you’ll be treated to impressive views of the glaciers and the Western Breach.

Moir Camp, nestled at the base of Lent Hills, offers a peaceful setting for overnight camping.

 Day 4: Moir Camp to Lava Tower to Barranco Camp

Elevations: 13,800 ft to 13,000 ft Hiking time: 4-6 hours Hiking distance: 7 km From Moir Camp, you’ll journey towards Lava Tower, a prominent volcanic formation at an elevation of approximately 4,630 meters (15,190 feet).

This section serves as a crucial acclimatization opportunity before descending to Barranco Camp, located in the Great Barranco Valley.

The descent allows your body to adapt to the altitude changes, and you’ll spend the night at Barranco Camp.

 Day 5: Barranco Camp to Karanga Camp

Elevations: 13,000 ft to 13,100 ft Hiking time: 4-5 hours Hiking distance: 5 km The next day, you’ll tackle the Barranco Wall, a challenging but exhilarating part of the journey.

Climbing this natural obstacle will reward you with stunning views of the Karanga Valley and the surrounding landscapes.

Continuing onwards, you’ll reach Karanga Camp, nestled on a rocky ridge, where you’ll rest and prepare for the next phase of the ascent.

 Day 6: Karanga Camp to Barafu Camp

Elevations: 13,100 ft to 15,300 ft Hiking time: 4-5 hours Hiking distance: 4 km After breakfast, you’ll head to Barafu Camp, located at an altitude of about 4,640 meters (15,300 feet).

The landscape transitions to an arctic desert, characterized by rocky and barren terrain.

Barafu Camp is the final base camp before the summit push, and you’ll spend the afternoon resting and mentally preparing for the challenging summit day ahead.

 Day 7: Barafu Camp to Summit to Mweka Camp

Elevations: 15,300 ft to 19,341 ft to 10,000 ft Hiking time: 7-8 hours ascent / 4-6 hours descent Hiking distance: 5 km ascent / 12 km descent The summit day begins in the early hours of the morning, usually around midnight.

Equipped with headlamps, you’ll start the steep ascent towards Uhuru Peak, the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro. The journey is physically demanding but incredibly rewarding.

As you reach the summit, you’ll be greeted by the breathtaking sunrise and a sense of triumph.

After celebrating and taking in the remarkable views, you’ll descend to Mweka Camp for a well-deserved rest.

 Day 8: Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate

Elevations: 10,000 ft to 5,400 ft Hiking time: 3-4 hours Hiking distance: 10 km The final day of the trek involves descending from Mweka Camp through the lush rainforest.

The trail leads to Mweka Gate, where you’ll receive your summit certificates and bid farewell to your guides and porters.

From there, transportation will be arranged to take you back to your hotel, marking the end of an unforgettable Kilimanjaro climbing experience via the scenic Lemosho route.

Book your spot now via eddytoursandsafari@gmail.com or via WhatsApp +255711906664

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